Fun Painting Activities for Kids, Marble Painting

Fun painting activity with marbles and Finlee and MeAre you looking for some quick fun painting activities for kids? It’s a great low-mess activity and easily done with more than one child too as the marbles are controlled in the box so the mess is normally kept to a minimum which most Mums, Dad, Grandparents or guardians will be thrilled about. I know I was!

Materials Needed for our fun Painting Activities for Kids

All the items needed you will normally have around your home but if you don’t have an artist canvas don’t despair improvise with some cardstock, paper or even cut up a cereal box or similar and use the reverse side. So to get underway you will need:

Fun painting activity with kids and FInlee and Me

  • A box with a hole cut out of the top
  • Artist canvas that fits inside the box
  • Paint palette or something similar for your paints
  • An assortment of acrylic paint colours
  • Kid’s art smock (optional)

How to Create fun Painting Activities with Marbles

Fun painting activity for kids with Finlee and Me

Step 1 –  Cut out a hole in the top of your box big enough for the canvas to fit in and also for you to work with the marbles. Then place the artist canvas or what you are using for your canvas inside the box.

Painting with marbles fun painting activity with Finlee and Me

Step 2 – Dip a marble in paint or if you want to have some extra fun and see what sort of pattern you can create use a few marbles dipped in different coloured paint at the same time and place them in the box with a few on each side of the box.

Fun painting activity with marbles and Finlee and Me

Step 3 – Once you have your marble or marbles in position, get your rock and roll on and rock the box gently from side to side. The harder you are rocking the more erratic and crazy the pattern will be. If you have extra canvas then you can experiment with what the different rhythms and movements and what patterns you will make. You could even add some music in the background and encourage your child to move the box to the beat rolling the marbles around in time.

Kids artwork fun painting activity with Finlee and Me

Step 4 – You are all done so just pop your child’s artwork aside to dry and if you wish create another. You could even use masking tape to mask off an area on the canvas with a letter for example and then roll the marbles around over the top. Once the paint is dry you then carefully peel the masking tape off and your letter will be showcased.

Don’t forget to pop the date on the canvas and have them sign it too.

The Benefits of Creating a fun Artwork Marble Canvas

The benefits of creating a marble piece of art are many. From discussing the colours, patterns to discussing how to mix colours and what happens when you mix colours and how some colours work well together and others don’t. Also as I said above when your child is moving the box from side to side making the marbles roll you can also pop some music on and have a dance around teaching them about music beats at the same time as well as getting some exercise but above all else having fun!

Love to all,

Angela xx from Finlee and Me

Angela is an author, entrepreneur, blogger, mental health clinician and most importantly a mother. She explores various topics related to parenting/children on her blog and also in her three books: 30 Days, 30 Ways for Mothers to Take Care of Themselves,  30 Days, 30 Ways for Connecting with Your Child and Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids.

Connect with her on FacebookInstagram and her website Finlee and Me.




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