30 Days, 30 Ways for Mothers to Take Care of Themselves {Day 13}: Soak it Up… in the Bath!

30 Days 30 Ways for MothersTake Care of Yourself Day 13

“I think best in a hot bath, with my head tilted back and my feet up high.”  ― Elizabeth Jane Howard

A hot bath can bring all sorts of happiness to a hugely overworked mother.

I’m serious.

It seeps into your tired bones and draws out the soreness.

It soaks the insides of your soul and takes away the overwhelm.

It works like magic and it really is a cure for manic days.

Take Care of Yourself with Ease Idea

Now I know we, mothers, don’t have the time or even, the luxury of a hot bath every day.

At least not me. 😉

However, you can take time out one day of the week and dedicate it to… the bath.

Have your husband or partner watch the kids for 30 minutes or so.

Yes, it’s not for long. They can do it. 30 minutes is all you need.

Light up some candles, turn on some music, splash in that special bubble bath you’ve been holding on to forever and then, slide in.

Feel the water caress your cares away.

Enjoy the sweet fragrances take away the musty smells of that worn out t-shirt and the sweaty sweatpants.

Feel the stress melting away and the strength coming back… one drop at a time.

You’ll be a new person at the end of the 30 minutes. Trust me.

Take Care of Yourself with Intention

It all comes down to being intentional about taking care of yourself. That is why we’re inviting you to stay accountable and tell us how you’re making time for yourself.   Share with us on Facebook and Instagram and use the hashtag #30DaysCare because we’re picking winners too, at the end of 30 days!

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