30 Days, 30 Ways for Mothers to Take Care of Themselves {Day 15}: Baked Blessings

30 Days 30 Ways for MothersTake Care of Yourself Day 15

The measuring and mixing always smoothed out her thinking processes – nothing was as calming as creaming butter – and when the kitchen was warm from the oven overheating and the smell of baking chocolate, she took final stock of where she’d been and where she was going. Everything was fine.” ― Jennifer Crusie

Baking can bring so much joy and happiness. The best part is that baking doesn’t have to be complicated or challenging.

Simple recipes, like these divinely delish Nutella Cups can be a whiz to whip up and still, look decadent.

And you know what makes baking better?

Baking for someone else.

That’s right!

Take Care of Yourself with Ease

Today’s self-care idea is all about baking for a friend, a neighbour, maybe the new mother you met in the park.

Nothing says “I care about you” more than a plate filled with cookies, muffins, cupcakes or Nutella cups 😉

So, go on, today, grab the kids, head to the kitchen and make something yummy, straight outta the oven.

Not only will you enjoy the calming effects of baking, you’ll get to spend time with the kids, doing something fun for someone else.

They’ll learn the value of kindness and generous acts, while you’ll get the warm fuzzies that come from doing something sweet as well.

And your friend, neighbour or the new mother you met, will love the sweet surprise too. Win-win-win!

Take Care of Yourself with Intention

Good things happen when you share.

So, don’t forget to share your baked goodies with us on Facebook and Instagram using the hashtag #30DaysCare. Yes, we’re picking winners but more importantly, we’re cheering you on as you take baby steps towards caring for yourself with ease!

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