30 Days, 30 Ways for Mothers to Take Care of Themselves {Day 22}: Have Fun with Hobbies for {the} Women We Were!

30 Days 30 Ways for MothersTake Care of Yourself day 22

“I want to raise my daughter to be passionate about doing good things and pursuing real things and hobbies instead of frivolous materialistic stuff.”~ Holly Madison

Hobbies for women?

I can almost see your eyebrow go up! But before you start thinking that I’m discriminating in any way… hear me out.

Here’s the thing.

Hobbies for women can be the same as hobbies for men… but for the sake of this article, we’re looking at hobbies that we’d enjoyed maybe, before marriage, before the kids arrived on the scene.

We’re talking about hobbies for the women… we were.

It’s time to either revive those or find a hobby that would appeal to the free-spirited, fun-loving, easy-going woman you were.

It’s time to find that woman and bring her back.

Hobbies are HUGELY important for self-care and nourishment.

Research has repeatedly shown that people with hobbies are healthier and have lower risks of depression and dementia. Hobbies give you a chance to catch a break in the middle of a busy life. They offer the opportunity for social interaction or a pleasant diversion from the mundane. [source: The Washington Post]

So, today’s idea is all about finding the perfect hobby for you!

Take Care of Yourself with Ease

Is there something that you’ve really wanted to do but haven’t?

Or maybe you had a hobby at one time that kind of slipped away once life got busy?

Cooking exotic cuisines?

Dance class?

Art class?

Deep sea diving?

Do it.

Right now go and book yourself in for 1 lesson or schedule time in your calendar to engage with that hobby.

This will bring back your passion.

It will allow you to set goals.

It will allow you to breath again.

It will give you creative freedom and bring excitement back in your life.

Take Care of Yourself with Intention

So, what’s it gonna be? Tell us in the comments or share with us on Facebook or Instagram what hobbies will you be enjoying. Don’t forget to use the #30DaysCare hashtag.

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