30 Days, 30 Ways for Mothers to Take Care of Themselves {Day 27}: Healthy Eating Habits for Happier Mamas

30 Days 30 Ways for MothersTake Care of Yourself day 27

“I think it’s very expensive to not eat healthy. Eating healthy is the only affordable option we have left.”~ Marcus Samuelsson

Healthy eating habits make happier mothers. That’s right.

Eating healthy isn’t only for our kids.

As mothers, we need to pay a lot of attention to what we eat too.

Not only are we being good role models to our kids when we eat healthy but we also, take better care of our bodies and our health.

But here’s the thing. As a mother, myself, I know that with so much going on in our world, eating healthy can be one of the hardest things to do.

So, like with everything in this challenge, take a baby step.

Even if you simply just start reflecting on what you’re eating, what your portion sizes are and how you might want this to look to bring you better self care… it is s start.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. 😉

Take Care of Yourself with Ease

Today’s self-care idea for you is to think about what you’re eating. Is it really food or is it something out of a packet, designed to give you a sugar high?

Is it good for you or is it good for the business that made it?

Are your portion sizes right?

Are you getting enough vegetables and fruits in your diet?

Are you drinking enough water?

Pick ONE of these and pay attention to it. Think about it.

Start making small changes with that one area and before you know it, you’d have worked your way through a whole lot!

Take Care of Yourself with Intention

What healthy eating habit will YOU be adopting this month? Share with us on Facebook or Instagram so we can cheer you on and be inspired by you as well. Don’t forget to use the #30DaysCare when you share!

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