30 Days, 30 Ways for Mothers to Take Care of Themselves {Day 3}: Just Journal!

30 Days 30 Ways for MothersTake Care of Yourself day 3

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” — Maya Angelou

Do you remember when you were a little girl and you had a secret diary that held your innermost thoughts and sweet musings? Yes, we all had one. Hidden deep under the mattress or waaaay beneath the clothes, to be pulled out and written in when we had something so exciting or even, heartbreaking that we couldn’t share it with anyone else.

It’s time to bring that childhood habit back.

Take Care of Yourself with Ease Idea

Maya Angelou is right.

There is no greater agony that keeping your story inside of you.

You need to journal, write, share and put your innermost thoughts, dreams, desires, wishes, hopes, prayers onto paper.

It’s easier than you think and once you’ll start, the words will just flow.

Not only is journaling incredibly creative and freeing but research has shown that writing a journal regularly will help you reduce stress, know yourself better and also, have better relationships.

We all want that, don’t we?

So, go on, get out that pretty notebook you’ve been saving for something special. This is as special as it gets.

All you need to start journaling is a notebook and a pen.

Schedule time out early in the day, before the kids wake up or late at night, after they’ve gone to bed, so you can get 10 to 15 minutes of uninterrupted time to let your thoughts flow.

Take Care of Yourself with Intention

We’re looking forward to supporting you in your journey to take better care of yourself so head over to our Facebook page or Instagram to share. Use the hashtag #30DaysCare

Hop over, join in if you haven’t already and share! Remember we’ll be picking winners at the end of the 30 days too!!

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