30 Days, 30 Ways for Mothers to Take Care of Themselves {Day 4}: Paint ‘em Nails!

30 Days 30 Ways for MothersTake Care of Yourself Day 4

“I am different when my nails are done. I am more dynamic. I gesticulate more, I am better at scaring my staff. I can indicate impatience by drumming on tabletops and I can wrap up a meeting with a few choice clatters.” ― Marian Keyes

Marian Keyes is spot on!

There’s something about painted nails and a surge in confidence.

You feel better almost instantly.

It’s like wearing heels without the achy feet!

Take Care of Yourself with Ease Idea

Today’s take care of yourself with ease idea requires you to do nothing more than dig out that bottle of nail polish, put on some music or telly, and get painting!

Better still, see if you can call a friend over and paint each others’ nails, just like you did in high school! Plus, you’ll get some much-needed and good-for-the-soul girlfriend talk time too!

It barely takes 10 minutes and you can do it while the kids are at school, playing quietly or taking a nap.

Want to take it up a notch? Good on you! Schedule a Jamberry nails session and come back with nails that have personality just like you!

So, what will it be? Punchy Peach or Twilight Blue? 😉

Take Care of Yourself with Intention

Show off those nails!!

Once you pretty them up with polish and get them all snazzied up, hop over to Facebook or Instagram and show them to us with a photo. Use the hashtag #30DaysCare

Want to get supported as you take baby steps to self-care? That’s the place to be in!

Join in if you haven’t already and share! Yes… we’ll be picking winners at the end of the 30 days too!!

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