30 Days, 30 Ways of Connecting with Your Child {Day 20}: Cuddles Create Connections

30 Days of Connecting with Kids Day 20 INSTA

“I will not play at tug o’ war.

I’d rather play at hug o’ war,

Where everyone hugs

Instead of tugs,

Where everyone giggles

And rolls on the rug,

Where everyone kisses,

And everyone grins,

And everyone cuddles,

And everyone wins.”

— Shel Silverstein

This has to be one of my favorite parts of the day. I love just laying with Finlee and Chloe, relaxing and just simply talking about anything that is on their little minds.

Sometimes we sit in silence and I’ve had to learn that silence is ok.

While at other times, we may sing songs together, talk about the days events, or discuss what our plans are for the following day.

Also having them lay in your arms, holding hands or snuggling with them brings in the physical contact with your child that is so important because it’s another layer of building that strong connection/relationship.

Scientifically too, cuddling has been known to release oxytocin or the feel good hormone that helps you feel connected to each other. According to the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, cuddling replicates the womb environment and increases sense of security in kids too, reducing anxiety, stress and boosting immunity.

Connecting with Your Kids: Fun Booster

30 Days 30 Ways to Connect with your Kids Personalized Night Light DAY 20

Make bedtime cuddles and snuggles sweeter still with a stylishly personalized kids night light. Perfect for keeping those bad dreams away while casting a gentle glow that’s just right for little ones’ to drift off to sleep.

Connecting with Your Kids: Creativity Booster

30 days 30 ways to connect with your child how-to-make-sandpaper-letters

Want to teach kids letters, the Montessori way? Make your own Montessori Sandpaper Letters with this tutorial by JojoEbi.

Sandpaper letters are perfect for helping kids develop the impression as well as learn the sound and shape of each letter. Plus, they’re sensory too which makes it perfect for kids who enjoy sensory play too.

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