Dear Chloe Glen-Ella,
I’ve been wanting to write this letter to you for over a month now, but every time I thought about writing it I just couldn’t put pen to paper. Because if I put the pen to paper, it confirmed that Mommy is getting closer to sending you off to school and Mommy isn’t quite ready for the the reality of you starting school. But with only six sleeps until school starts, 48 hours until you turn five – the time has come to write your letter.
We tried for so long to have you and through the help of IVF we were blessed with you joining our family on January 18th, 2013. I remember holding you and my heart filling full. You completed our family. And over the last five years you have brought an enormous amount of joy into our lives.
We’ve spent some amazing times together, but the last year has been super special to me as I’ve had Fridays just with you and I. We’ve held hands, skipped down the road, walked in the sunshine and been in the moment. We’ve had our ballet class and then followed it up with a stop at our local cafe for kale salad, halloumi and your special cookie. We’ve talked (you can talk) about everything from Elsa to you missing your Grampie back in Canada, to wanting Mommy to have another baby (sorry this still is not happening). I will forever be grateful for our Fridays together.
As you start school, you’re going to go on an adventure. Some days your adventure will be hard while other days it will be easy. Sometimes you might feel sad because people will hurt your feelings. While other times you’ll be happy with out a care in the world. There are even times where you may feel pressured or stressed because of new things you’re going to learn. Mommy just wants to tell you that no matter what is happening, I will be here to support you through your adventure. We’ve got this.
There are three things Mommy would like you to remember when you start school:
- Be Kind – always be kind.
- Try Your Best – I don’t care if you fail everything, all I ask is your try your best everything else will work itself out.
- Smile – always remember to smile, it will make your feel better even if you’re having a sad day.
I’d like to warn you Chloe… On Monday morning, Mommy will be taking photos, video taking, giving you 282827 hugs and there will be tears. I need you to know these are tears are mixed with sadness and happiness. Sadness because my baby girl is no longer a baby and I’m closing a chapter that I’ll never get back, but equally happy tears because you’re ready for school, you are made for school and I can’t wait to see where the new chapter takes us.
I love you Chloe Glen-Ella.
Love always and forever,
Mommy xx
Angela is an author, entrepreneur, business consultant, blogger, mental health clinician and most importantly a mother. She explores various topics related to parenting/children on her blog and also in her three books: 30 Days, 30 Ways for Mothers to Take Care of Themselves, 30 Days, 30 Ways for Connecting with Your Child and Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids.