Kids Pen Pal Program from Finlee and Me

With the art of letter writing slowly fading, the disconnectedness from nature and children thinking their world revolves around them, I thought it was time to make a change, create something positive and so I decided to create the Kids Pen Pal Program from Finlee and Me.

What Exactly is the Kids Pen Pal Program from Finlee and Me?

The Finlee and Me Kids Pen Pal Program is about getting children connected and interested in traditional letter writing/picture drawing and also about providing an opportunity for children to create long lasting relationships with their pen pal. The Finlee and Me Kids Pen Pal Program is for children ages 2-17.

How will the Kids Pen Pal Program work?

It’s super simple… parents, grandparents, friends, other family members, teachers etc will sign a child up by heading HERE . Once we get the completed paper work/transaction, the Finlee and Me Team will try our best to match the children based on their age, gender, interests and hobbies. We’ll send all details about your child’s new pen pal via snail mail so that your child can start experiencing from the beginning what it’s like to receive mail in the post.

Benefits of the Participating in the Kids Pen Pal Program

There are numerous benefits for your child to participate in the pen pal program:

  • Assists your child to develop literacy/numeracy skills;
  • Allows your child to work on fine motor skills by writing traditional letters, post cards or creating magical drawings;
  • Educates your child about how the postal system works (needing to go to post office, by a stamp, pop letter in drop box etc);
  • Gives your child opportunity to foster new friendships;
  • Provides awareness and understanding for someone else besides themselves;
  • Assists with global/cultural awareness by children learning on a map where their pen pal lives, talking with the pen pal about different cultures and so much more.


Cost to Participate in the Program

The cost is $5 per child and the break down of the costs are as follows:

  • $5 will go directly to Rafiki Mwema (the Australian charity Finlee and Me supports that assists very young girls who have been sexually abused in Kenya)

Sign Up Today to the Pen Pal Program

The Finlee and Me team are ready to get this program up and going. We have our sticker packs ready and all we need now is to have your child sign up so they can start creating long lasting childhood memories and help to keep the art of letter writing a live. SIGN UP HERE.


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8 years ago

Cool idea! x