Painting with Nature

painting with nature and Finlee and Me

Our painting with nature activity is great for children of all ages and stages. You can go for an explore in your backyard or venture out for a walk and collect items of interest as you go or head down to the local park.

You can explore all types of things from leaves through to branches, twigs, bark and rocks. Whatever you find along the way and peaks the interest of your children.

Materials Needed for our Painting with Nature Activity

We went for an explore around our backyard to see what the kids could find. We then used the paints we had on hand at home and some paper plates left over as our paint trays.

Painting with nature materials needed with Finlee and Me

  • Acrylic paints – make sure they are wash out in water
  • Paint plates or trays
  • Paint brushes
  • Nature items – leaves, twigs, stones, plants and anything else you can find or like
  • Tray, basket or bag to collect your nature items

Instructions to Make Your Painting with Nature Artwork

Painting with nature on our nature hunt exploration with Finlee and Me

Step 1 – Go on a nature hunt and explore your backyard or local area to see what sort of foliage you can find.

Painting with nature and nature hunt with Finlee and Me

Step 2 – Explore the different textures and sizes of what you find as you go.

Painting with nature leaf painting with Finlee and Me

Step 3 – Once you have finished your nature hunt you can start painting.

Painting with nature leaf patterns with Finlee and Me

Step 4 – Using a combination of paint colours to make patterns can have some wonderful effects that kids will be amazed at.

The Benefits of Painting with Nature

Painting with nature has so many benefits:

  • You and the children get to enjoy some fresh air and hopefully sunshine depending on where you live
  • They get to explore the sensory aspect of different things they find along the way
  • You can talk about the different paint colours and the colours of things you found outside

We would love to see what you have all created and what you found in your travels to make a painting with nature masterpiece so please send us your photos. Tell us too what the most interesting thing your children found. We’d love to hear from you.

Love to all,

Angela xx

Angela is an author, entrepreneur, blogger, mental health clinician and most importantly a mother. She explores various topics related to parenting/children on her blog and also in her three books: 30 Days, 30 Ways for Mothers to Take Care of Themselves, 30 Days, 30 Ways for Connecting with Your Child and Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids.
Connect with her on Facebook, Instagram and her website Finlee and Me.


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