Prepare yourself for the first day of prep.

Prepare Yourself for the First Day of Prep

It only seems like a few months ago that you were bringing your new baby home from hospital and in a blink of an eye you are now getting your child ready for the first day of prep. Reaching this important milestone will bring a flood of emotions as pride, joy, fear and love will all arise at once. There are some easy ways to prepare yourself so you can get through this first day as calmly and happily as possible.

Getting through the first day successfully

Get Organised – Have everything needed for the first day, ready to go the night before. Uniforms, lunch, drink bottle and school supplies named and placed in a bag or backpack. Spending the morning running around gathering everything together will stress you both out.

Stock Up On Tissues – You will need tons of them. Fill your handbag full of them. Please try and hold back the tears until you are out of the gate and then let them flow. If you can control your tears this may help stop your child doing the same. Put on a brave face until your back is turned.

Go out – If you don’t have to rush to work after dropping your child off, organise a coffee date with some of the new mums or with a good friend. Going home and sitting alone is a sure fire way to feel sad. Today might just be the perfect day to crack open a bottle of bubbles to celebrate and calm those nerves.

Plan a special treat – Have a special treat organised for when you both get home in the afternoon. Sit down to a lovely afternoon tea so that you can hear all about the first day. They will probably have so much to tell you, take time to really listen to everything that happened. Take lots of photos to remember this special day, your child will never look this cute in a uniform again! Prep teachers usually love getting help from class mums, so put your hand up to help out if you have time available. The first day of prep is the start of your child’s education, play an active part in helping them learn by spending time with them using educational toys and be amazed at how quickly they learn and grow.

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