10 Rainy Day Activities for Kids
At some point, every mother searches the internet desperately seeking rainy day activities for kids. You are not alone! There’s nothing worse than a day spent inside with bored kids – it’s every mum’s nightmare, and if you’re like me, you’ve probably been caught unprepared! With even the most basic craft box, rain, hail or heat wave, these inventive activities that will keep kids entertained for hours on those rainy days indoors! 1.
Play dough – the ultimate indoor activity
An old favourite that is certainly not inventive but absolutely dependable to keep little ones amused on long drizzly afternoons. Make your own no cooking play dough and get the kids involved in the mixing for added fun. Simply mix 2 cups of plain flour and 1 cup of salt then add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil, 1 cup of water and some food colouring. Knead the dough until the right consistency forms. Store in in air tight container. 2.
Building forts indoors
All you need to build a kingdom fit for a prince saving a princess from an evil dragon, is a few chairs and some old sheets. It doesn’t matter what story you create, kids of any age will happily play in your makeshift fort for as long as you can part with the sheets, and chairs. 3.
Making hats and tiaras
All you need is some cardboard and a craft box and you can make anything from a princess tiara to a sailors hat. Draw shapes on cardboard, or download free templates from the internet, and decorate using paint, glue and anything else you can find. 4.
Treasure hunt
There are some fantastic ideas to really make your treasure hunt into something memorable. Use nursery rhymes and songs with common objects in as clues to the next location. Your clue might say, “I’m a little _____ short and stout. Find the missing word for the next clue.” Hide the clue under the kettle, and so on. For older kids try movie names or famous people. 5.
Baking up a storm!
As we all know, kids love to bake. Why not combine a rainy day activity with a chance to stock up on biscuits for guests or banana bread for lunch boxes? There are so many kid friendly and fun recipes to explore. 6.
Cardboard box decorating
In our house there is rarely an empty box that makes it to the recycling without being transformed into a house, a boat, a car, a train or a castle. The bigger the box, the bigger the dream! Stock them up with gold pens, feathers, pipe cleaners, pencils and you won’t hear a peep for hours. 7.
Sock puppets
This is the ultimate old fashioned rainy day activity for older children learning to sew, or little ones who can glue. Sew on some eyes and go crazy with all the leftover buttons, shoelaces, and bit of material. Encourage kids to create their own puppet show and perform for the family after dinner. This is a great way to explore several creative activities at once and your kids will love using something they made. Check out Finlee and Me story stones too for kids who love a great story! 8.
Bring to shops to your lounge room
Playing shops is a popular and important game for little ones, use pretend money, stones, twigs, anything you can get your hands on and little ones will delight in being shop keeper. For the older kids, shop games can teach adding, subtracting and the value of money. For big kids, it is possible to teach more complex concepts in a fun way. Ask each child to setup shops in a different area of the house and encourage them to visit other ‘retailers’, trading product or buying goods. 9.
Slime, Goop and all things science.
There are hundreds of recipes available on the internet for all sorts of weird and wonderful liquids. Green goop, flowing lava, gak and slime, these are just some of the wonderful textures you can create with mostly household items. Check out our Science Experiments and Science Idea Boxes for some amazing, simple ideas using items from around the home. 10.
Sorting coins or buttons
Most of us have an old tin full of coins or buttons ready and waiting to be sorted. Great fun if you have a coin sorter but also hours of amusement for kids over 3. Make it a game and see who can sort the most into their pile. There’s lots to do on those long days indoors if you’ve got the basics in your craft box and a few big imaginations in your home. Rainy day activities don’t just need to be DVDs and books…there’s so much to do when you set your mind to it!
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