Through the month of March, right from the 1st till the 30th, we ran a free and fabulously fun challenge that made connecting with your child easy and effortless.
The responses have been incredible to say the least and the results have been heartwarming.
From more conversations to more laughter and less tantrums, you have been experiencing it all with your kids and making memories without having to stress over it.
This challenge was a testimony to the fact that even, when life is busy and hectic, we can take a few minutes out to forge a stronger bond with our babies.
We can press pause and savor the sweet hugs and the delighted giggles.
We can step back and let messes make memories.
We can do it without having to break the bank, go on fancy holidays {though those are nice!} or buy more stuff. Seriously.
But like all good things, the challenge did come to an end yesterday and since we truly enjoyed the impact that this sweet, actionable challenge was making, we wanted it to last.
Presenting the 30 Days, 30 Ways for Connecting with Your Child eBook
Yes, this is what we’ve been up to.
We’ve taken all the gorgeously entertaining and educational connecting activites and compiled them into a handy and pretty eBook so you can refer to the challenges whenever you feel the grumpies have come to stay or when you want more of snuggles in the morning and less of screaming your head off.
Yes, there will be days and even, weeks like that and that’s the reason why we put together this eBook that’s perfectly bite-sized and intentional.
Stuck for an idea?
Flip to a page and do it!
Need some inspiration?
Head to one of the days and take your pick!
Kids want to be involved?
Ask them to choose their fave!
Yes, the 30 Days, 30 Ways for Connecting with Your Child eBook is one that your family will come to love and enjoy, all through the year.
You don’t have to go day-by-day, if the rebel in you prefers to switch things up.
You can create your own challenges and mix up the activities.
The idea is for you to have 30 easy-to-do, high-on-engagement activities that build bonds and create memories, on speed dial.
It makes creating connections and communication effortless when life is busy, which in today’s time, it nearly always is.
To celebrate the launch of 30 Days, 30 Ways for Connecting with Kids, we’re offering a LIMITED time special of $5 off on the already affordable $9.95 price.
Use coupon code “connect” to snag your copy for just $4.95.
Creating connections with our kids doesn’t have to be time-consuming or expensive.
Let’s make it a part of our everyday routines with this little eBook.