Why All the Tips for New Mothers Can be Worthless if THIS is Overlooked


Why Tips for New Mothers are Worthless


There are tips for new mothers coming out of the Internet’s wazoo all the time.

Google the term and you’ll have literally thousands of articles thrown at you.

Sleep tips.

Feeding tips.

Play tips.

Breastfeeding tips.

The list is endless.

However, the one thing that all these well-meaning articles forget is THIS.

If the new mother isn’t cared for, rested, relaxed, and calm, none of the tips are gonna make the slightest difference.

If mama ain’t happy, no one is happy.

Simple as that.

And as much as the “stock” photo sites would have us believe, no new mother ever looks photo-ready, smiling, chilling out, delighted with a spotlessly clean house shining in the background.


It’s more like, hair unwashed, spit up-style tee and the house looking like a toxic disaster zone. Been there, done that.

THAT is why before you read any of the tips for new mothers, it is absolutely vital that you read and follow THIS.

Self-care for the new mother is as essential as breathing.

There I’ve said it.

Now don’t get me wrong.

When I say self-care, I don’t mean day long sessions at the spa.

What I’m talking about are small, teensy, baby steps towards nurturing who you are so you can replenish your energy stores, your confidence quotient and your peace pitcher.

When all these stores are filled up, you’re in a position to actually take some of the tips and advice you get and apply it.

You’re able to care better for that bundle of joy in your arms, even when he’s wailing his head off non-stop all through the night.

Self-care, as we’re sharing in our FREE 30-Day Take Care of Yourself Challenge, is all about being intentional and doing simple things that add light, laughter, and love for yourself to your life.

If you haven’t signed up yet, I highly recommend you do.

You can catch up on the easy, effortless everyday self-care activities here.

Being a new mother isn’t easy. Being a first-time new mother is even tougher.

You can practice these highly effective, incredibly easy, and proven to work self-care habits even if you feel that you don’t have any time.

Go on, try it.

Your baby, your body, your brain… will all thank you for it.

And then, you can finally go back to reading those articles filled with tips for new mothers too.

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